The Rest of the World

is within Reach

We use a proven, strategic approach to tell the world about Jesus.

Why we Reach the Rest

More than 3 billion people in our world don’t know Jesus. More than 220 million people from this Unreached People Group (UPG), almost no one is trying to even tell them about Jesus. With faith so central in our lives, it’s difficult to imagine a world where we would never – in the course of our entire lifetime – hear the name of Jesus or experience His saving grace. And, when the facts do settle in, it’s especially hard to know what to do about Unengaged, Unreached People Groups.

Unreached *Unreached people groups (UPGs), exist around the world where there are no indigenous communities of believers.

*Unengaged, Unreached people groups (UUPGs) are those who are unengaged with no church planting strategy, consistent with evangelical faith and practice, under way near them.

Our mission

Reach the Rest exists to identify, resource, and equip indigenous, proximate, multiplication-focused leaders in the 10/40 window to reach the unreached.

We believe fulfilling the mission is within REACH

Our approach is simple and effective.

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Identify, develop, and empower near-culture and/or in-culture indigenous leaders to own and execute a vision of multiplying disciples and churches within their targeted regions or people groups.
Reach The Rest icons website CONNECT


Focus on multiplication movements among the least-reached peoples: UPG/UUPG’s, frontier people groups, and persecuted peoples.
Reach The Rest icons website REACH


We come alongside proximate leaders with a region-specific strategy, resources, and training to help them spread the Good News, plant churches, and multiply their efforts.

Projected Impact

The name of Jesus is being shared
where it has never been shared before.

Throughout South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, and
the Middle East last year alone the following impact we celebrated:

Over 2 Million

people estimated to have been introduced to the gospel
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people who publicly indicated that they have chosen to follow Jesus
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unreached people groups introduced to the gospel, of which 200+ are groups that almost no one else is trying to reach
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new churches planted
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new believers baptized
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new leaders trained
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Thousands of generous partners have already jumped in with us to see those unreached in the 10/40 window become REACHED.

Here is what some of our current partners

are saying why they give:

Reach The Resticons website quote

“Our family had asked the LORD to give us the opportunity to be more personally involved in His Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. While we were actively asking God for this, He brought . . . Reach the Rest across our path. The multiplication concept and the successful church plants were amazing to us. Their heart to reach the unreached people groups echoed our heart’s desire for the gospel to go to all nations.”

Greg & Lisa, Texas

“What we love best about Reach the Rest is the proximate strategy concept. It means our money is at work no matter what is going on in the world. When other organizations are bringing workers out of the country, the nationals under Reach the Rest, are continuing to minister and meet needs. This is an important factor especially in this time where things are changing daily.”

Lee and Lois, North Carolina

“I appreciate the way [Reach the Rest] keeps us updated and informed about things that are going on in other nations. . . Knowing that we are helping to reach those that have never heard is important to me . . . I pray for those that hear the Gospel for the first time and I love knowing specifically not only the requests but the answers that God is giving and the people that will be with us in eternity because of Reach the Rest. What a blessing to be part of this great organization.”

Esther, Virginia

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Make a donation.

Each tax-deductible gift goes toward supporting efforts in unreached parts of the world.

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Follow your gift.

Virtual reports are provided regularly, so you will always know how your gift is making an impact.

Reach The Rest icons website Celebrate hearts transformed

Celebrate hearts transformed!

Multiply disciples and churches with simple, biblical, reproducing methods. Focus is on church planting movements (CPM) as well as disciple making movements (DMM).


With Reach the Rest, your generosity goes towards reaching the un-reach in the 10/40 window. Your support equips proximate leaders to plant churches in some of the most spiritually underserved communities.