How we partner with you to tell the world about Jesus.

Our approach is simple and effective.

Reach The Rest icons website FIND


We go where the need is.
We identify areas of the world where Jesus isn’t known, especially places that are home to people groups so difficult to reach that hardly anyone else is trying.
Reach The Rest icons website CONNECT


Then, equip a local team.
We build and maintain relationships with Christian leaders who are geographically near, share a similar culture, and speak the same language as those we’re working to reach.
Reach The Rest icons website REACH


And, they spread the good news.
We come alongside them with a region-specific strategy, resources, and training to help them spread the Good News, plant churches, and multiply their efforts.

We stay until the hope of Jesus is so deeply rooted in the region that it is most likely to remain, generation after generation.

Who we are working to reach.

There are approximately 12,000 people groups in the world and around half of them are considered “unreached.” To be “unreached” means that less than 2% of the group has been told about Jesus. This means that, for the average person in these areas, they are born, live their entire life and die without ever hearing the name of Jesus.

The good news is — there are many efforts underway to reach these groups including our own efforts.

To be classified as an “unengaged & unreached” people group goes a step further. This distinction means that a people group is so hard to reach, often after many failed attempts, that there is very little or no intentional disciple-making and church-planting strategies being actively implemented.

It is these 1,300 “unengaged & unreached” people groups that we give extra energy and attention to reach.

Where we have active initiatives.

RTR Impact Profile

The leaders who are spreading the Good News.

There is only one way to deliver the Gospel to groups who have not yet heard the name of Jesus; it has to be personally delivered. A messenger must GO.

When Christ called a man to take the Gospel to the first-century world, He chose the Apostle Paul, a man culturally, linguistically, and historically related to that world. Our approach is the same.

Our field partners share a similar culture, language, and history with the lost in or near their communities. This approach is called the “proximate strategy.”

How local leaders are equipped.

We build long-term relationships with our field partners who include culturally-near churches, national leaders, and church planters. For those who need training, we provide it. For those who need resources, we gather them. And, for those who need a strategic vision, we come alongside them.

Often times, training, resources, and region-specific strategies are designed in collaboration with our partner organizations: Finishing the Task, The Timothy Initiative, The Finishing Fund, and others.

Strategies that help the message last.

Our work isn’t done until there are multiple streams of healthy, multiplying churches. In most people groups, this means that multiple churches have been planted, then those churches each plant another, then those newest churches each also plant another, and then each of those even newer churches plant yet another.

In other words, it takes multiple streams of church plants that have at least four multiplying generations to truly reach an unreached group.

To chart the progress, we work with our field partners to maintain accurate and regular status reports. We diligently track things like: the number coming to faith in Christ, the number of those being discipled in their faith, and the number of new churches starting each year.

It is working.

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77,122+ new believers came to know Christ as their Savior

“Reach the Rest is rapidly changing the world with the gospel. [They] remain laser-focused on taking the gospel where it is not. If you don’t want to change the world, don’t partner with Reach the Rest.”

-Chad Scarbro, Sr. Pastor, Northside Baptist Church, St. Petersburg, FL

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381+ unreached people groups introduced to the gospel

“Reach the Rest encountered many [indigenous] missionaries at a time when they were on the verge of giving up due to frustrations, persecution, and loneliness, and restored their hope and confidence in the ministry of reconciliation. These missionaries have been equipped with tools and exposed to training for greater exploit. Reach the Rest has also promoted networking and collaboration among mission agencies by partnering with them without seeking self-glory but rather with the concern of reaching every tribe with the gospel of Jesus.”

-James, Nigeria Coordinator

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9,448 new churches planted

“Imagine walking in the countryside and hearing people sing off in the distance. You walk over, peek inside the hut and see 25 people sitting on the ground singing loudly to Jesus, then discussing the Bible and talking about how God has changed their lives, has given them hope…peace…and joy…and has answered their prayers. They further discuss how to help the next village have a church like this…then they pass a basket to collect money for someone to take a jeep to the next village to share about this new way of Life. You’ve just experienced the kind of church Reach the Rest is helping local leaders start.”

-R.M., RTR Global Strategist

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12,286+ new believers baptized

“I had no idea how to tell my friends about Jesus. I was then trained by Reach the Rest field leaders. With new confidence, I shared with three family members and all accepted Jesus into their hearts and are serving Him.

-Pavitra, new believer, India

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9,438+ new leaders trained

“We praise God for Reach the Rest and the help that they have given us. They have been a great encouragement to me with teaching on how to reach the rest. I now have access to additional materials and resources that help me in my ministry. It is my prayer that Reach the Rest will continue in this area and partner with other pastors and assist them in reaching others who don’t know God.”

-Joseph, Pastor with the Jinbin people group in Northern Nigeria

You can help.

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Make a donation.

Each tax-deductible gift of $250 monthly goes to plant a church in an unreached part of the world. Gifts of any size make a tremendous impact.

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Follow your gift.

We’ll send you regular virtual reports, so you’ll always know how your efforts are making an impact.
Reach The Rest icons website Celebrate hearts transformed

Celebrate hearts transformed!

Rejoice with us in each new unreached people group engaged, each new church planted, each new believer baptized, and each leader launched.

Together, we can reach the rest.